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Saying in English "Could you check if the reservation has been cancelled?"

If you are travelling or staying in a hotel, it is common to make a reservation beforehand to ensure accommodation. However, there may be times when you need to cancel the reservation due to unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, it is essential to confirm whether the reservation has indeed been cancelled or not. To do so, you can say the following phrase in English:

"Could you check if the reservation has been cancelled?"

This sentence is a polite request asking someone to confirm whether the reservation has been cancelled. It is essential to understand the meaning of each word to use it correctly.

You can also modify this sentence to fit your specific situation. For instance, you can replace the word "reservation" with the name of the hotel or the date of the booking. You can also add expressions of gratitude and politeness, such as "Thank you" or "I appreciate your help."

In conclusion, knowing how to say "Could you check if the reservation has been cancelled?" in English is useful when you need to confirm that a booking has been cancelled. It is a courteous request that can make a difference in ensuring a smooth and stress-free travel experience.